You know what really grinds my gears?
When people pretend to be stupid. Pretending to be incompetent doesn't minimize responsibility; it only puts it off until a point where it's too late to start learning. I won't feign expertise on the matter of intelligence, but almost everyone has at least some degree. The individuals who say that they do not are merely lazy.
Be passionate about life! Passionate does not have to be loud and obnoxious. It can be quiet and reserved, yet proactive. Passionate to the point of not giving up when all odds are against you.
I suppose, then, that the pet-peeve I meant to write about is weak-will.
But wait... there's more.
Why do people eat Splenda? It is the most repulsive and annoying food habit. I'd rather people chew with their mouths open or belch loudly in lieu of mixing Splenda into their coffee.
First of all, it's a chemical. This is not news because most things we consume in this country are chemically altered. Just think about Entenmann's or McDonald's. Understanding that it's made completely unnatural is one thing, but understanding that it's a by-product of poison should be the winner. Yet, it isn't.
Second of all, it doesn't even make you thinner. The way Splenda molecules work is that they latch onto any kind of lipid (fat molecule) and hold tight. This harks back to their DDT (insecticide) days before they were transformed into sweetener. Anyway, this doesn't make you thinner because as soon as these molecules reach your fat cells, they preserve them and don't allow this fat to leave your body... ever. So this sweetener, advertised as zero calories, actually makes you unable to lose weight. Logical, of course.
Lastly, it exacerbates cancer. Remember how the molecules hold on to fat cells? They also hold on to cancer cells. That means that no matter how clean your family medical history is, or how much orange juice you drink, if you have Splenda with your coffee, dormant cancer cells will grow and thrive.
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That makes about as much sense as this